
The art of Kajsa Flinkfeldt

Fantasy and reality painted with watercolours.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Change of plans, work, work, work.

The plan was to work on the fantasypainting until it was finished. A good intention, right? Then reallity called. Dead-line for three magazine illustrations sneaked up on me and I had to work, work, work. There´s still one more to go, but here are some little details from the last days work :)


  1. Think something like 'flabbergasted' or 'speechless' is on it's place here, despite the sad fact that you have to work instead of finishing that amazing-looking fantasy piece...

  2. Dear Kajsa,
    Cooool! What beautiful and interesting your works are!! Keep up wonderful work and surprise us. Look forward to next. Thank you for sharing them.
    Kind regards, Sadami
